Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Where's the Buffet

"Live...Live...Live...Life is a banquet and most poor suckers are starving to death." - Auntie Mame

Okay, full speed ahead.

After hours and hours of perusing other food blogs, I am compelled to include myself among the hundreds of bloggers out there. Within this forum I will share my inpirations, thoughts, passions, philosophy, adventures, ideas, and dreams.

I am in a transition period of my life. Through my journey I hope to find my true purpose. It takes courage to look ahead not knowing what lies before you, but I'm in for the ride, E-ticket and all.

Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Anni, happily married to Ander, a gifted and talented artist. We live in the heart of wine country in the North Bay, an hour north of San Francisco. We have no children of our own, but joyfully share in the custody of 16 laying hens. No rooster to say among the brood. Our neighbors prefer it that way. We grow our own heirloom tomatoes, a variety of peppers, pole beans, bush beans, and wax beans. We have a myriad of culinary and medicinal herbs on the property. We have a stand alone fig tree and a couple of bay laurels.

We have two nephews and four nieces, ages from 5 months to 12 years old. My only brother also lives in the North Bay with his lovely wife and baby daughter. I have two young sisters living in Southern California with their spouses and fabulous children. Another sister is exploring the Pacific Northwest and the outer rims of Alaska. My adoring mother lives in the San Diego area.

I love family. I love food. I love to cook. I love to dine. I love fresh produce. I love fresh herbs. I love spices. I love condiments. I love fine wine. I love to eat. I love to learn. I love to teach. I love to travel. I love to shop. I love to create. I love to play. I love to dance. I love to sing. I love to laugh. I love to love. I love to live... live...live...

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