Friday, July 21, 2006

MadEater's Mid-Summer Melon Gazpacho

The heatwave doesn't seem like it's going to wane any time soon, so who wants to be standing in the heat of the kitchen? Not I.

Inspired by "COOKIECRUMB" at I'm Mad and I Eat, I made this for dinner last night. I got a new gadget that was similar to the one I saw in my Mom's kitchen gadget drawer. So I took to the melons with this,

Can you name this?

First one of my fellow food bloggers to name this, gets one. Give me your answer in the Comments. Are there any other ways to use this thingamajig-gizmo-doohickey? Perhaps curl butter? Zest citrus? Cut cheese?

COOKIECRUMB has one coming to her via snail-mail.

Since I came up with the recipe as I was leaving a comment for CC's post, I'm re-naming it "MadEater's Mid-Summer Melon Gazpacho".

Oh, BTW, I'v been awarded Best Recipe. (See Comments here.)

"I'd like to thank the academy - the CCA, that is. Yup, I still got it, baby." (She said modestly.) :-)

MadEater's Mid-Summer Melon Gazpacho


A variety of melons, shaved or diced
"Ice cold" milk, enough to cover
A drizzle of honey, to sweeten, if desired
Garnish with sprig of mint

Variation: Purée half the quantity of melon, add dices of remaining melons. Mix in cold milk. Chill before serving. Drizzle with honey. Dollop with Greek Yoghurt. Garnish with sprig of mint.

Over the Top: A sprinkle of crispy cereal, granola or "cookiecrumbs", such as "Amaretti"

All it takes is a bit of inspiration to get those creative juices flowing. Go ahead, get started. Be CREATIVE!

What inspires you? Leave a comment. I'd like to know.


  1. Took some sleuthing, but methinks it's a coconut grater/shredder.

  2. seantimberlake is correct ... I have a bunch of these I picked up in Vietnam, where they are used on coconuts ... they're also wonderful for making green papaya salad when you don't have access to a mandoline. Hi Anni! Kim

  3. Sean - Good sleuthing. Your "shredder" is on its way!

    Kim - Since you already have a few, do you still want another? Would you rather get something else? I'm known as the Gadget Gal in my circle. LOL -

    Thanks for coming by . . .


    Anni :-)

  4. Totally cool! ::hands over Oscar, trips, knocks down microphone, dusts self off, modestly accepts COCONUT SHREDDER::
    I wouldn't have guessed what it is, so this is lots of fun. I've eaten shredded baby coconut (pretend raw "noodles") at Roxanne's raw foods restaurant when it was still in business; I wonder if this is what they used.
    I still think this is the most awesome idea for a recipe, so you're perilously close to Lifetime Achievement, Anni.
    (BTW: Still MoFo hot in Bay Area, gasp.)

  5. I ate those coconut noodles too and loved them.

    do you know the story of why Roxanne's closed, it's a good one but I can only tell it orally, not in print.

    btw - i had no idea what that contraption was. Thanks for educating me!

  6. Hi Anni,
    You already gave me my prize - your fig jam, which I used last night on your crostini at my sister's birthday party ... it was a HUGE hit! Thanks. Kim

  7. Aw garsh. I knew by looking at the thing that it must be used for something rather large and probably tough; the foreign characters under the logo were another tip-off. I look forward to receiving my shredder, and will find it an appropriately prominent place in the kitchen!
