Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Beat the Heat - TLC for the Youngin in You . . .

"Root Beer Float" . . .

It seems several food blog events over the recent weeks have similar themes. One that is apropos is Meeta’s ”Beat the Heat”, July’s “Monthly Mingle” event. I’m glad the deadline has been extended a few days. I am now able to participate in the second food blog event hosted by Meeta this month.

I entered the ”Halo Halo Mix Mix” for ”SHF #21” theme of "Ice, Ice, Baby", hosted by “Savvy Sarah” at “the delicious life”. The round-up of food bloggers and recipes can be scrutinized ”here”.

For my inclusion in “Meeta's Monthly Mingle”, I thought about the young ones in my life, "my little darlings". To know me, is to know how much I love children. Ander and I have no children of our own, but we are the most fortunate and privileged to being "Auntie and Uncle" to all the children in our lives. Most of my nieces and nephews live in Southern California. I have a little tyke of a niece, KLA, who just turned one-year old a few weeks ago. Another niece and God-daughter, SYD, just returned from summer vacation traveling New Zealand and Australia. I’ve mentioned “my little darlings” before in previous posts. But to respect their privacy and secure their identity, I make it brief and use their initials. This is a common practice that my sisters have taught me within emails, calendar schedules, etc.

I adore these young spirits. When I spend time with them, they make me youthful and energetic. My time with them is never enough and I always have a sinking feeling when I have to part from them. But my loving sisters always, ALWAYS, make it easy by emailing on an almost daily basis, or we SKYPE (what a wonderful discovery!) each other to keep closely connected. Even with only 500 miles away in distance, it seems like the other side of the world. Thank goodness for “getaway” specials. I’ll hop on a commuter flight and I’m at their port within a few minutes shy of a couple of hours.

My niece, KAL recently had her tonsils removed. She is recovering well, as expected for an active 8 year old. Although her doctor has precluded her from swimming or ballet lessons for several days, she is doing fantastically. She has spent time during her recuperation watching the FOOD NETWORK and has many cravings. My sister is monitoring her food intake as KAL is still on her post-surgery medication. KAL is “all girl”, but she can keep up with her two older brothers, KAL1 and PAL. She is the peacekeeper and makes sure all is well. She is extremely doting of her little sister, GAL. She is enormously generous and is totally devoted to what she loves. She’s into horses and American Girl Doll. She is also a ballerina and has performed in several programs with the California Ballet Company. KAL is fearless and when she smiles, she flashes the two most striking, deepest dimples you ever saw! She has stunning long hair and last year donated over 12 inches to “Locks of Love”, a loving charity that provides hair prosthetics for children with long-term medical hair loss due to cancer, or other illness.

BTW, when I mentioned KAL is “all girl”, it’s cuz, SHE LOVES CHOCOLATE!!!

In honor of KAL, this month’s mingle is dedicated to her. Something "Ooey-Gooey and Yummy for the Tummy" with a nice cold drink to wash it down and soothe a parched throat. How do we “Beat the Heat”?

A Notre Maison, “Root Beer Floats and Chocolate Fudge Brownie Sundaes”!

When the youngin in you needs a little TLC and you need to "Beat the Heat", this is what you reach for.

"Chocolate Fudge Brownie Sundae". . .(Stock photo)

Life is a banquet, my friends!


  1. Life is indeed a banquet, Anni! And what a lovely tribute to your little darlings ...

  2. Hi, Ivonne!

    Yes, "my little darlings" never cease to amaze me!

    They recently received recognition for reading almost 20,000 pages between the four of them by the San Diego County Public Library system this summer and they still have a few weeks before the new school session starts. They have read over 300 books since last summer.

    In addition, they were given gift cards to the World famous San Diego Zoo, San Diego Museums and various "eateries". Cool, huh?

    Tells you alot about "home schooling"...

    Thanks for visiting. Enjoyed your post on San Francisco. Fabulous!


    Anni :-)

  3. Hola! Ana Isabel,

    Thank you for your nice comment.

    Although I did not mention "oatmeal muffins" in my post, I have prepared several baked goods for "my little darlings". They are never disappointed. In a future post, perhaps I'll include a recipe especially for you.

    Come by and visit again!


    Anni :-)
