Friday, September 01, 2006

La Festa al Fresco Frittata . . .

"La Festa Frittata" . . .

After reading a few of my regular food blogs regarding the "San Francisco - Bay Area Food Bloggers Annual Picnic" . . . through the week, I started to feel like Cinderella that wasn't included to the ball. I envied those that were "A-List" Bloggers that were present. One fun thing, was to see the faces that are behind the fabulous food blogs in the Bay Area community. I'm over it now. Got to check the ego, once in a while. LOL. Obviously, I've got to reach out and spread some love to my local blogging buddies. Out of sight, out of mind . . .

We'll change that.

I would not have been able to attend anyway, considering the beautiful weekend wedding that Ander and I celebrated with newlyweds, Rob and Kim, and their families.

Besides, I've got a special picnic planned up my sleeve with fellow food blogger, and new friend, Payal. We just have to set a date.

One splendid event I was invited to is La Festa al Fresco hosted by the Lovely Lis and Incredible Ivonne. I felt honored to be included at such an event. Both Lis and Ivonne have wonderful blogs that transport me to the ultimate of culinary heights. I could not decline Ivonne's most gracious request of my humble participation.

For my contribution to the banquet table, I created the well-regarded and faithful frittata. It never fails me and it's a reliable backup plan when all I have are the kitchen staples, as in eggs, milk, cheese, onions and potatoes. When Ivonne kindly mentioned that the dish did not have to be Italian, it suggested that there could be more creative options. The only requirement was to use a fresh ingredient.

"Red Chard" . . .

"Fresh Organic Eggs" . . . courtesy of "the Girlie-Girls" . . .

My stroll through the last Wednesday night farmers' market, I spotted humongous leaves with crimsom veins running through them. Red chard was not included in our garden this year for lack of space. But we've enjoyed them in the past. The swiss chard we did include is more versatile to use in Filipino dishes. So when these fans of green and ruby stripes beckoned to me, I faltered, slipped the cash to the friendly vendor and brought them home. My plan was evident. It will be my fresh component for the frittata. Of course, it goes without saying, I included the treasures of fresh organic eggs from our "girlie-girls".

Frittata Take One" . . .

Frittata Take Two" . . .

Frittata Take Three" . . .

Thank you, Ivonne, for including me in such a wonderful event. I look forward to joining in the fun!


Life is a banquet, my friends.


  1. Anni,

    I will take all three of those photos of the frittata thank you very much! I just love it! We have frittata often so it takes a special one to get me excited about it and yours most definitely has!

    I thank you so much for coming to our festa! It has truly been a pleasure discovering your blog and meeting you. I feel like I have a wonderful friend in California (and hopefully I can visit one day soon).

    All my best!

  2. Hi Anni!
    I was JUST thinking about our picnic. I'll call you and we can talk about dates. The frittata looks delish! Were those tomatoes from your garden?

  3. Anni,

    I don't think I've ever seen such a fluffy and beautiful frittata! The colors are gorgeous and I love the use of the swiss chard, it's one of our most favorite vegetables! This is most definitely a welcome addition to our festa table, thank you so very much! =)

    PS - I can't wait to hear about this picnic you and Payal speak of!

  4. Anni bella!

    I asked cookiecrumb why you weren't there. She did mention that you were out of town, but I didn't realize you weren't invited. A gross oversight, I assure you, and your love is felt far and wide.

    But I was so hoping to meet you in person. Already everyone's buzzing about future events, so I'll make sure you're on "the list." :-)

  5. Hi, your frittata is the first thing I went to at the buffet table. It looks so beautiful! Nice to meet you-

  6. Hi Anni,
    Thinking about you today ... I'm working on my book, and all of a sudden your name and your garden found their way into the chapter at hand! Can't wait for publication in the spring so I can send you a copy!

  7. Ciao, Ivonne!
    I have enjoyed your blog and photos, as well. They are inspiring. I'm so happy we've met.

    Thanks for the personal invite. Glad I was able to attend La Festa! You are always welcome to Le Maison whenever you hit the North Bay Area. Wine country has never been better! We're right at the start of "CRUSH"!
    Come back soon!

    Anni :-)

  8. Hello, Payal!
    We've just returned from a whirlwind weekend! Yes, please, let's set up a date! The garden is at its denouement and the harvest is bountiful!
    Looking forward to hearing from you. Are you having fun with your new toy?

    Anni :-)

  9. Ciao, Lis!
    Welcome to the "blissful banquet". Due to time constraints, I neglected to include the recipe on the post. I'll be glad to share it. If you wish, send me an email.
    The secret to a fluffy frittata is to use the "souffle" method of preparation, use eggs at room temp., cook filling separately and ALWAYS use the best ingredients.
    Looking forward to a continued exchange!

    Anni :-)

  10. Dear Sweet Sean!
    You are a DARLING for thinking to ask of me at "the Picnic". From what I've read and seen, it looked like a grand affair! I would have loved to have participated. I thank you for giving me hope of anticipating the next Bay Area Blogger event. I will surely be there with bells on!
    I am sending more "LUUUUUUUUUV" your way. What's up with snail mail? They like to scrutinize nicely wrapped boxes.
    Snap! You keep me on my toes!
    My best to DPaul. I wish I could send you some of our "maters".

    Anni :-)

    PS I love that you call me Anni Bella!

  11. Hi, callipygia!
    Thanks for stopping by. Wow are those your illustrations? They're fabulous!
    Come around some more. I've got more goodies to share.

    Anni :-)

  12. My dear, Kim!

    How lovely to hear from you. I'm so flattered by your kind generosity! My name in print?!?!!! How excited am I for your publications. Congratulations in finding your bliss!

    You know, by now, I believe in synchronicity. Just today, Ander and I harvested the first of the fig crop. They're going into the first batch of confiture just for you! I just acquired Marie Simmons', "FIG Heaven". Very apropos! It includes 70 recipes using both fresh and dried figs. I will have to roll up my sleeves to venture through them.

    Glad to see things are coming along your way.

    Anni :-)

  13. Those little yellow pear tomatoes look so good. I grew some one year and it was a plant with the most amazing yield! And they tasted so good. That frittata looks terrific - beautiful color! The red swiss chard is so incredible.
    Nice looking blog.

  14. It gets harder and harder to keep track of Bay Area bloggers. I'll add your name to my list for next year. Sorry to have missed you!

  15. Anni,
    this looks so gorgeous. I love Fritatta and they are always perfect for Soeren's lunchbox.
    Have a glass of prosecco in my memory when you and Payal meet up .... BOOOOHOOOO!

  16. This comment is incredibly delayed but I found this post while looking for a fluffy frittata recipe and from all the photos I've seen, yours is by far the fluffiest. Would you be willing to share the recipe? Thank You!

    Erin (from Seattle)
