Monday, January 29, 2007

BPW #2 - Revisited

The BPW #2 event is on and once again being hosted by the amiable Meeta.

The theme this time around is “Love is in the Air”, in honor of Valentine’s Day. My little darlings are always my Valentines. Ander will forever by my Valentine. With this event, I am sending this Valentine to my BPW Partner.

"Tibetan Nuns . . . laughing."

I love this photo. It invokes laughter and joy! What better way to express love, but with laughter. You know, the big one that comes from your belly. The kind that aches oh so good. The kind that brings tears to your eyes. Sometimes a snort will sneak out of me when I can't control it anymore.

Everything you ever wanted to know about laughter can be found here

As they say, “Laughter is the best medicine.”

I say, give me a HUGE dose of laughter anytime, anywhere, anyhow . . .

Life is a banquet, my friends.


  1. Hi Anni,
    I just wanted to say hello and let you know I'm looking forward to reading your optimistic, encouraging words throughout 2007. All the best to you!


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